Saturday, April 26, 2008

Virtual Worlds and Famine

In the years before WWII, Hitler repeatedly told the world he intended to have a war in the East for Lebensraum. There were quiet rumblings that didn't always make the headlines: the renouncement of the Treaty of Versailles, the build up of German forces, and the bold new attitude of Germany at the Olympics. (Did anyone notice that is where the torch relay began?)

Far more interesting were the many new technologies that emerged: the Zeppellin, radio broadcasts around the world. The world was exhausted from the Great Depression. Everyone looked to new ideas for hope.
And the "funny little man from Germany" sounded a lot like a few other fascist dicators, Mussolini and Franco. Who would take him seriously? He was just beating his chest to give his countrymen courage.

I've always looked at the news was more like a conversation between writers than separate factoids.

Famines and Civil War
From the back pages of the Herald Sun today:

UN food agency chief Jacques Diouf (of Haiti) yesterday warned of civil war in some countries because of global food shortages and called for a revamp of the international food system. ...

"Unfortunately, we always wait until there is a catastrophe in this world before we react," he said.
The price of rice, a staple for every country, has more than doubled in the last year. Some rice producing countries have banned exports to preserve the food supply for their own people.

Turn the Page
Turning a page, virtual worlds are seen as invaluable elearning tools. IBM has set up a website to manage its stake in the virtual world, and to protect its virtual property rights. A high level executive manager has been hired to oversee virtual operations.
Australian telecommunications incumbent Telstra last year launched what was said to be the country’s first major corporate presence in the online virtual world. Dubbed “the Pond”, Telstra’s Second Life islands aim to encourage customer interaction while creating new sales and marketing opportunities.
Clever Zebra has
developed ready-made corporate complexes that it has made available under the Open Source GPL license. Telstra spent $20,000 to customize a corporate complex on Second Life.
In Melbourne, train conductors use tweetscan to announce late arrivals and canceled schedules. Dell uses the same service to keep its ear to the ground about product approval and marketing opportunities.
Even more startling, Calvin Klein has produced the world's first virtual perfume. -- And you thought scented business cards were a bit much? (Yes, there is a company in Sydney that makes scented business cards!)
Teachers in virtual classrooms use twitter and twitterscan to listen to their students' comments, and react to questions.

In my online resume, I state flatly that I believe technology can save the world. I believe deeply in the power of communication across national boundaries to prevent catastrophes and bring people together.
There must have been a few like me in 1936 or so, too. Radio was the big thing then. Communication with anywhere in the world at the speed of light. In the light of history though, the record doesn't look so good.

The Flat World is facing its first crises.
None of this stuff was unpredictable.
Overpopulation and food shortages have been discussed for decades. I remember long conversations in the 1970s about it. Food shortages and social changes were the subject of movies. The paintings were gut wrenching. Those paintings and movies are now called "vintage", and rarely available anywhere.
Food shortages cause civil wars and wars between nations. Governments are overturned violently by desperate crowds. How many times has this happened in a lifetime?
Global warming has been predicted by scientists since the middle of the last century. Researchers in the early 1970s found lead levels in the Greenland ice packs were toxic. The levels had been deposited in the ice since the turn of the century, when automobiles started using ethyl gasoline to power cars.

Have we turned to virtual worlds to avoid dealing with the realities of the problems facing us all?
That would be a cruel choice.
One researcher put it plainly: "We have the capacity to feed the world. We have the tools to deliver that food to everyone who needs it." No kidding. The central valley in California is fertile enough to feed the north American continent, with billions of tons of food left over to export. There are other fertile areas around the world which only need to be put into production. The nations of the world have more than enough transport available. The US can deliver rice from the Sacramento delta to anywhere in the world.
The facts are there. International leaders like Jaques Diouf are pointing out the need. What's stopping us?

I live and work in the virtual world. The Internet has been a passion for me since before its inception. Groups of programmers gathered to dream about it, and speak quietly about our experience with its military predecessors, for years before anyone heard of the "Internet."
We knew it could be done.
The virtual world has eclipsed television as an entertainment source in Australia.
The virtual world has proven its value as a business resource, an information resource, and in entertainment. The power of the Internet has opened up the world to all who access it.
It's time the Internet showed how it can help those who desperately need help. Those millions who are not looking for entertainment or money, but for the daily needs of living.
I know this is just one post in a massive blogosphere. I hope a few people see it. More than that, I hope many people act on the ideas I've put forth here. I will place a similar post on all my blogs.
It's time to show the real power of a dream.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


One Laptop per ChildImage via WikipediaLike most educators, particularly those advocates of elearning, 101 Computer Consultants is watching the progress of the One Laptop Per Child program closely. The concept is exciting: for as little as $100, any child anywhere can have a laptop to access the Internet.
Setbacks and failures are felt viscerally. This is a dream as invigorating at the Internet itself.

The program has been plagued by almost incomprehensible setbacks.
The most perplexing has been an increase in the price to $200 - because not enough units have been sold. Although 500,00 units have been sold, sales targets in the millions have proven to be unrealistic.
The most recent explanation is that governments have been unwilling to purchase a laptop that didn't run Windows.
Walter Bender, the outgoing president of the OLPC project resigned.

Wayan Vota, whose OLPC News blog reported Bender's departure Monday, said he feared Sugar would get neglected on XOs that run Windows. "Which do you think Microsoft is going to put its marketing muscle behind?" he said.

(Nicholas) Negroponte said he was mainly concerned with putting as many laptops as possible in children's hands.

The Sugar interface, which avoids the file and folder system in favor of graphics (much like the old Apple II only larger) has been criticized for not being consistent.
Microsoft has been working for over a year to produce a version of XP that would run on the XO laptop. The hardware required will increase the price another $12-$14. Now over $200, the XO will be at best dual-boot, and priced very close to other scaled down systems.

The hope was for millions at a nominal price. Soon it will be millions, but with significant marketing and profit rolled in. This is not altruism, or philanthropy. Soon it will be just another case study in failure for MBA programs.

More on the story:,39029680,49296652,00.htm

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Addendum: CNet to discontinue Online University

Screenshot from CNET's podcast page on the iTunes Store.Image via WikipediaFound on the media bistro site:

...After the jump, a former CNET teacher offers his vision for why the company failed: "poor management of the product."
The online courses product's death should be more attributed to the poor management of the product and not an unfortunate casualty of CNET's downsizing.
In 2005, the service was offering courses that had very high participation levels, at least in the ones I was leading. Topics such as wireless troubleshooting, PC troubleshooting and anything relating to digital photos was a big draw.
Then for some inexplicable reason they decided to revamp the structure by instituting a "learning hub" model, which grouped similar topics into one hub. The idea seemed good in theory, but they made a critical error in not specifying class dates and times as before. Instead, users could visit a hub at their leisure, ask a question in of the "courses" and wait for a response from a class leader.
What they did by implementing that structure was to severely undervalue the importance of timely engagement with users who were mostly novice on the classes they were taking. It felt to me like I was throwing them a deflated life preserver two days after they had drowned.

It got to the point where some hubs were so seldom visited that they were being assigned to class leaders in bulk, like 15+ courses at one time — just something to keep an eye on in case someone asked a question.

As a result, I was a given a couple topics I really had no business giving "expertise" on. The community placed their trust in us to deliver advice and guidance, and in most cases we did that very well.

But the inability of the product managers to successfully identify and stay appraised of course leader's core expertise, and create a meaningful learning topics around that was probably the worst offense.

According to media bistro, only a few course finishing up will remain until May 11th. In a note received from CNet to registered students:

The other courses, tutorials, and hubs will be live until May, then will be archived. If you worked on any of the content and would like to retain copies, please grab screenshots before May. I can't guarantee that you will be able to access it afterwards.
I'm adding this information for completeness. It's important to find out what works and what doesn't on the Web. Either of CNet's approaches might have worked fine. In the final analysis, it was communication that was at fault - even ending of classes so abruptly reflects this failure.

CNet to discontinue Online University

WWW's Image via WikipediaCNet will discontinue the Online University
, one of my favorite sources of free high-quality training, has announced that it will end its free online courses May 1, 2008. This is a real disappointment, since these courses have been a consistent source of well-designed and authoritative free training, particularly on computer and many other high-tech topics.
In their announcement today, CNET stated they will “discontinue online classes and focus on our extensive Tips database that holds more than 1,000 expert CNET tips… All class content (class lessons, posts, course completion certificates) will be removed from our site as of Wednesday, April 30, 2008.

It's another lesson in the nature of the digital divide.

Not their core function
CNet began those courses as a response to offering email and online courses on just about everything, especially websites and home/home business computing.

About did it by hiring mentors to compile the courses. For a while you could become an online course developer/mentor just by applying.

CNet thought they could offer better courses on more technical subjects. Their courses were professional quality, from beginner to college level.
CNet started the courses to draw traffic from About. About began in the late 90s. CNet established its online university in 2004.
For a while, it worked.

Online training was never CNet's primary function. CNet is a professional technical newsletter, download, and online reference. Although there's a lot on CNet for the beginner, its content is quickly seen as over the head of most users.
CNet dropped the online university because it was not making enough money for them. And one of the reasons was their courses were such high quality.

Only 30% finish online courses
What CNet and About found out has become a bylaw of online course delivery: only 30% of subscribers finish the courses.
One blogger compared the traits of those able to successfully complete online courses with adult educations students. The students have to be self motivated, and can't rely on the teacher or peer pressure to finish the course.

There are a number of problems, and they have to do with the digital divide.
  1. Employers do not trust completion certificates from online courses. They are leery of people with 'paper skills' (digital skills??) and not real world experience.
  2. The classes tended to follow the academic model for classrooms, even though there was no teacher present or peers.
  3. The classes were broadly based, meaning they covered most of the topic, rather than focusing on the needs of the individual students in their work.
Here's one of the comments from an article written 4 Mar 2008:

(T)he students need to grasp that they will face social challenges, not just physical challenges, when seeking jobs as a distance educated job candidate.
This needs to translate into the student having a level of sincerity to be willing to gain experiences outside employers realms. This experience is needed so the student can tell the interviewer they can troubleshoot real designs, which is what the employer is manufacturing.
The social aspects are perception: the employer sees a paper smart person, needs to hear about real skills; the student has to graduate thinking they have some theoretical skills, but they may actually have no real skills.

AEmeritus failed
In 2004, I developed a business plan for a company called AEmeritus Relevant Training. The idea was ahead of its time in many ways. The most significant issue here in Australia was the lack of Internet access to many areas, and the overall lack of technical savvy.
The idea was to make the training relevant to the needs of the company and trainees in their work. I saw some of the issues that are now confronting all elearning operations back then just from my own experience taking an online course.

I got my Training and Assessment Cert IV online. I was shocked to see that no one had finished any module in the training on the first go. Every other student required at least 6 tries at the modules; on some modules, online students had taken 22 tries. I was the only trainee that only took one try to finish all the modules ( -- except one, because of a household emergency, I had to do one module twice.)

Some successful elearning operations have taken another tack to deal with the same issue, and CNet is doing the same: CNet will keep its extensive Tips and Tricks database. Instead of offering courses on a package, users can look up useful tips they can use.
Again, this means the students can look up what they need to know.

I think that is a broad hint for what needs to be available on the etraining site: many, many searchable tips. I've been preaching the same thing for years to web design clients as a means to keep visitors coming back to a site.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You can relocate your default folder

The default Start Menu for Windows VistaImage via WikipediaWUGNET

You can relocate your own folders easily.
If you want to move your stuff, check this out.
  • Click your username at the top right of the Start menu to open your profile.
  • Right-click Documents and choose Properties.
  • Then click Location | Move and select the new location, or even create it at this time. You'll be asked if you want to move your documents;
  • click Yes.

Don't try this with the Public folder, though: There's a Location tab, but no Move button.

Extend Your Vista Activation

Front entrance to building 17 on the main campus of the company's Redmond campus.Image via Wikipedia

Are you testing out Vista's features and compatibility but not sure if you want to go ahead and activate it?
Microsoft has built a software licensing manager into the new OS that lets you extend the activation period. Very understanding for Microsoft, considering so many have returned to XP Pro after buying a machine withh Vista installed.
At the Start menu's search bar, simply type "slmgr -rearm" to get another 30 days.
There is a maximum number of times you can "rearm" the software licensing manager.You can do rearm a maximum of three times before Microsoft blocks further extension periods.

Once you're locked out, that's it. You have to call Microsoft to unlock your computer or take it into a shop.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Bold me, baby! (and italic too)

Ever get tired of having to highlight text, go the Format menu and check off Bold or Italic for the text?
I do. I often use other people's computers. That means I never know what's hidden in there waiting for me. If I ACCIDENTALLY (like the Caps Lock?) hit a couple of keys, I might get all sorts of AutoCorrect things.
Using the Format menu is a safe bet, but it often means losing my train of thought for a while.
There are other ways to do it, of course.

Most experienced Word or Open Office Writer users know about the Ctrl-b shortcut to make text bold. (Or Ctrl-i for Italics.)That shortcut works with a lot of other software too - so long as someone hasn't set Ctrl-b to something else.

If you're using MSWord, there's a neat little trick that can save time and concentration.
Wouldn't it be great if you could get bold or italics styles without having to hit Ctrl keys or look to menus? You can. Type *this will be bold* into a Word document, and see what happens.

If it doesn't turn up bold, look at the Tools-->Autocorrect options for the "Autocorrect as you type" tab, and check the box for "*Bold* and _Italic_ with real formatting".
Now try it. Type "this will appear bold* into a document.
As soon as you type the last asterisk (*), the text will appear bold!
OpenOffice.Image from Wikipedia
So long as your work doesn't involve typing a lot of text with asterisks or underscores, it's a very handy little trick. Enjoy!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Reviewing Crystal Reports

Source: WikipediaCrystal Reports is a program that has been around since about 1990, when it came on a 3.5" floppy disk, and was bundled with DB IV. The package was released to the public by Seagate, and from its humble beginnings it has grown to be the most popular package in the world for creating reports from almost any known source, from text files (text delimited, tab delimited) to modern sources like ODBC, Oracle, in fact any database format, including Excel and Access.
Today, Business Objects own and distribute the package, but it remains almost identical to the original release, dressed up to look like most modern Window type packages, but with Lotus 123 formulas and Crystal Basic, running in the background.
One feature that was taken out from about version 7.5 - 8 was the ability to distribute your reports to those who did not have Crystal Reports installed on their pc. The Compile Report feature allowed you to set your own levels of permission before sending to a receipient, similar to the security on PDF files.
For those of you, who found this an invaluable tool, then go and have a look at the following link:
and click on to the link HAMMERLAUNCH 3
This site has been around since 1989 and is the best site for Crystal users, with a full range of services, including Tech Tips, training, support etc.

Creating reports in Crystal Reports Blank Report or Standard Report Wizard

Crystal Reports Blank Report or Standard Report Wizard
There are two methods that a new report can be created in Crystal Reports, from Blank Report or Standard Report Wizard.
If you choose Blank, you are required to pick a database file/s, then you must choose which table/s, a selection of field/s that are to be included in your report, and you need to know where you file is stored, when all this is complete you arrive at the Design View, which is blank. Unless you really know what you are doing, it can be quite complex to get to the next stage, displaying your report.
If you choose Standard Report Wizard, you work your way through a series of questions, each of these assists you in finding the database table, checking any Relationships, selecting field/s, grouping, record selection, graphing etc. by the end of the questions, you arrive at the Preview screen, with your report displayed on the screen. An instant report, ready to print, email, export to another package, pdf it, save or edit.
So, if you are new to Crystal Reports and unsure of your options, then you will find that Standard Report Wizard might be the way to go, as you gain experience, the Blank Report option is worth a try, eventually, you can choose either one.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Computer Software Training

Starting in the 1980s, application software has been sold in mass-produced packages through retailers.Image from WikipediaAs a trainer of most of the popular software packages, and having been involved in the standard style of training for many years, I would be interested in finding out how you, the poeple out there feel about two aspects of training.

  1. Do you think training in software packages is necessary or a waste of time?
  2. If you do require training do you prefer to attend a standard class with a group of people, or train on a one-on-one basis, or maybe take an on-line training course or what about teaching yourself.

Would love to hear your opinion, as I am keen to find out which way the pc software training industry could be going in the future!