Saturday, June 20, 2009

eLearning Tools

A chart on the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies lists the most important and popular tools online for elearning. I was happily surprised to find that I had links and memberships on all but a couple.

The Tutorials pages (where available) provide you with support in using the tools.


Named tools Tutorials More tools
in the Tools Directory
1 Web browser Firefox | Google Chrome Firefox Browsers, Extensions, Toolbars & Players
2 Social bookmarking tool Delicious | diigo Delicious Social Bookmarking tools
3 Blogging tool Wordpress | Blogger Wordpress Blogging tools
4 RSS/Feed reader Google Reader | Bloglines Google Reader RSS/Feed readers & Alerts
5 Micro- blogging tool Twitter | Tweetdeck Twitter Micro-blogging tools
Twitter apps
6 Email gMail/Google Mail | Outlook£ gMail Email, SMS, Voice & Video Messaging tools
7 Instant Messaging Skype Skype Instant Messaging & Voice call tools
8 Personal productivity tool Evernote | Google Calendar Google Calendar Note Taking & Sharing tools
Calendars, Event & Meeting Scheduling
9 Mind mapping Freemind | - Mind mapping & brainstorming tools
10 Presentation tool PowerPoint£ | Prezi - Presentation tools
11 Presentation sharing tool Slideshare | VoiceThread Slideshare Presentation hosting & sharing tools
12 Online office suite Google Docs | Zoho Google Docs Document, spreadsheet & database tools
13 Web conferencing Dimdim | Adobe Connect£ Dimdim Web conferencing (& screen sharing) tools
14 Course authoring tool Articulate£ | Lectora£ - Course authoring tools
Interactivity tools
Quizzing and testing tools
15 Screen capture SnagIt£ | Jing Jing Screen capture, screencasting and software demo tools
Learning games and simulation tools
16 Demo/Screencasting tool

Camtasia | Adobe Captivate£ | Jing

17 Web authoring Dreamweaver£ | Google Sites Google Sites Web authoring tools (& HTML editors)
18 Wiki tool PBworks | Wikispaces Wiki tools
19 Image/photo tools flickr | Adobe Photoshop£ flickr File hosting/sharing tools
Media creation and editing tools
20 Audio/podcasting tools Audacity | iTunes Audacity | iTunes Podcasting tools
21 Video tools YouTube | Flip£ YouTube Video tools, hosting and sharing sites
22 Personal dashboard iGoogle | Netvibes iGoogle Start Pages
23 Course management system Moodle Moodle Course & Learning (Content) Management System
24 Social networking Ning | LinkedIn | Facebook Join a Ning | Set up a Ning Social networking (& community) tools
Social Networks
Facebook apps
25 Integrated social media platform Elgg Elgg Social learning systems
Team, Group & Enterprise Collaboration tools

After nearly 5 years as a corporate trainer and SEO consultant, I suppose that isn't a surprise.